Support Alexandra House
Join the Fight Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
Alexandra House, Inc. is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We are committed to ensuring the safety of all Anoka County families. We have provided critical services to women, men, and children since 1977 because of the generosity and commitment of our supporters.
With your generous support...
- $100 would provide gas cards to cover transportation to medical and therapy appointments, support groups, and housing and legal appointments
- $200 ensures each resident’s personal needs are cared for their during their stay
- $500 allows an advocate to support a victim through the process of filing for an order for protection
- $1,000 offers one survivor a new life with assistance for their first month’s rent and security deposit on a new, safe apartment for themselves and their child(ren).

Create a Safer Future
Your contribution helps us take one step closer to a world where domestic, sexual, and relationship violence and elder abuse are unacceptable. Your contribution of time, treasure, and talent helps survivors escape a life of violence. Please stand with us and create a society where violence and abuse no longer exist!
Other Ways to Donate
You can donate online confidently knowing that Alexandra House has completed the Charities Review Councils, Accountability Standard, and has received the “Meets Standards” seal.
When donating by check, please make checks out to:
Alexandra House, Inc.
10065 – 3rd Street NE
Blaine, MN 55434
Luminary Society donors are a special group of the Alexandra House’s most passionate and forward-thinking supporters. Your automatic monthly gift can help provide sustained resources.
Giving stock is easy! Gifting stocks or other securities is a popular way to support charities. It may enable you to reap substantial tax savings while helping Alexandra House. Download instructions on making a Gift of Stock here. Contact Tina Bronson, Director of Mission Advancement, at 763-656-1363 with questions. Just contact us so we can help.
Donor-advised funds are one of the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicles in the United States because they are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity. A financial services company or a community foundation often administers a donor-advised fund. It’s an opportunity to put your charitable dollars to work – where the need is great – but on your terms. Thus, you have the flexibility to tailor your philanthropic giving in easy, cost-effective ways.
How to recommend a gift to Alexandra House:
- Request a grant distribution through your DAF sponsor.
- Be sure to use the Alexandra House, Inc.’s Tax ID #. Indicate whether your gift is for a specific appeal, program, or fund. When granting through your donor-advised fund, please use the following information:
Legal Name: Alexandra House, Inc.
Federal Tax ID#: 41-1309977
Mailing Address: 10065 – 3rd Street NE, Blaine, MN 55434Please request that your name and address be included. We recommend you contact Alexandra House to inform us of your gift so we can thank you for your generosity.
You can designate Alexandra House to receive your gift when completing your United Way campaign pledge form. Be sure to list us as Alexandra House, Inc. – Donor Choice Code: 16619.
You can easily raise awareness and encourage your network to support us with just a few clicks. No fees are deducted for donations made on Facebook. Start on our page, then click “Create Fundraiser.”
Beginning at age 70-½, you must withdraw a certain amount from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) – this is called a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). With a traditional IRA, your contributions were not taxed. Required Minimum Distributions are taxed. But there is a way to lower your taxes on the RMD and help Alexandra House, Inc. You can donate some or all of your RMD directly to a charity, like Alexandra House, through an IRA charitable distribution. An IRA charitable distribution is a way you can help continue our work and benefit this year. 401Ks must first be rolled over into an eligible IRA account to qualify for this benefit.
To donate to Alexandra House through a charitable distribution, contact your IRA administrator and make a request. To discuss your IRA charitable distribution gift or inform us of a gift you have already made, please contact Tina Bronson, Director of Mission Advancement, at 763-656-1363.
Check with your employer; perhaps your company has a Matching Gift program. Your donation to Alexandra House will go a long way if your company matches your gift. Thousands of companies have Matching Gift programs that double or even triple individual, tax-deductible contributions their employees make.
A tribute gift is a special way to provide a personal remembrance for a deceased family member or friend. An honor gift provides a meaningful way to donate in the name of a family member or friend who is celebrating a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc.). Both demonstrate your commitment to creating a violence-free community.
When making a memorial or honor gift, the person or family you designate is notified, and you receive an acknowledgment letter as a receipt. To ensure proper acknowledgment, please provide:
- Name of the person you want to memorialize or honor
- Name and address of the person you would like us to notify
- Your name and address